
There are three main Laboon member tiers: Dolphin, Whale, and Laboon. By default, your tier is determined by the dollar trading floor of your current holdings of blue-chip NFTs (top 100 by volume), and your tier is automatically updated with the latest information each time you log in.

  1. Dolphin tier: Dolphin is an absolute tier based on the amount of NFT holdings. Holdings of $5,000 or less will receive a bronze tier, $5,000 to $10,000 will receive a silver tier, and $10,000 or more will receive a gold tier.

  2. Whale tier: Starting with Whale, the relative tier is determined by the top percentage. The top 50%, 30%, and 10% quartiles determine the respective bronze, silver, and gold tiers.

  3. Laboon Tier: This tier is awarded to high net worth blue chip NFT holders within the top 10% of the Laboon Alliance. Like Whale, it is a relative ranking, and the top 10%, 3%, and 1% tiers determine the respective bronze, silver, and gold tiers.

  4. Unique Ranking: The top 100 will be labeled with a unique ranking. Rewards for each ranking will be revealed in a leaderboard that will be available later.

Laboon membership tier will be utilized as the most important distinguisher for all benefits provided by Laboon. Depending on the tier, you will receive different rewards, from basic Laboon Token rewards to events you can participate in, opportunities to participate in Mintlist, etc.

Last updated